Calligraphy service in London and stone cutting in Cambridge. Creative and beautiful calligraphy and Japanese calligraphy and stone cutting.
日本で公開になりました映画 47 Ronin。
2011年の1月から7月末まで、イギリスのシェパートン撮影所で制作に関わりました。この仕事に関しては別のブログ で書いていますので、ご興味のある方は読んで下さい。
SLLA @ Fulham Palace
We all woke up really early to set up our exhibition at the second venue, Fulham Palace. It was crispy fine autum morning with plenty of sunshine. Such a lovely place this palace is!
朝早くに皆で起きて、SLLAの展示会、第二会場であるフラムパレスの設営です。9時前に着いたら、お天気は良くて、しゃっきりした空気。昔、Bishop of London の夏の住まいだった素敵な場所です。
We went into there at 9.30, and we've only got till 13.00. Paula and Sue were all hands on, deciding which one going where. We took the best wall for our Lindisfarne project, and watching the colour, materials - make sure we've got a good balance over all.
We had a brief tea break, kept on working till some people actually wondered in... that means its 13.00! We made ourselves sure that got all the labels, frames are straight... and looks really good in the end. What a fab four of us!
The exhibition ends on 2nd Nov.
Christie's window
I had a phone call from one of their specialist to make some Japanese writing. It was about Asobi / play, playfulness, and it is going to be on their catalogue front cover. And that happened during the period I was busy working for London Fashion Week. We did not have much time till they send everything to print, and I made several version of あそび and they chose one they liked.
Normally Christie's catalogue has a photograph of what they have for auction but this one has plain background, and quite big writing in this such a bold style. And I did not know at that point they are going to use it for everything...
It is on their window in this amazing size, on King Street, Mayfair and also Old Brompton Road in South Kensington. I have been to viewing of South Kensington, and on their every little labels, they printed my writing, too. It is a very simple writing but they used it quite effectively.
Japanese calligraphy is a completely different thing from Chinese calligraphy, and I am so happy to make it work in this way.
Normally Christie's catalogue has a photograph of what they have for auction but this one has plain background, and quite big writing in this such a bold style. And I did not know at that point they are going to use it for everything...
It is on their window in this amazing size, on King Street, Mayfair and also Old Brompton Road in South Kensington. I have been to viewing of South Kensington, and on their every little labels, they printed my writing, too. It is a very simple writing but they used it quite effectively.
Japanese calligraphy is a completely different thing from Chinese calligraphy, and I am so happy to make it work in this way.
SLLA Annual Calligraphy Exhibition
First, Mulberry introduced LFW invitation for Instagram fans on this page. Featuring my writing :)
We'll be there till 25th October, Monday-Friday, 11am to 5pm.
And then move to Fulham Palace from 26th October where is our first venue to have exhibition there.
This is part of exhibited piece, my painted alphabet pebbeles.
Had three weeks in Mulberry office to take part in their London Fashion Week Spring Summer 2014 catwalk show.
They designed and produced mini tea cup and saucer set with Wedgwood as a part of their invitation to the show. I, with a help of other Copperplate specialist scribed on the card, to be found on the top when the guests open the box. What a fabulous idea! In fact they look much more gorgeous when you see the actual thing...
Nice grey, perfect with white ink.

On the day, the front of the catwalk show venue was covered with British Garden flowers, carpet was all green turf with millions of little daisies scattered around.
There were lots of afternoon tea cake and mini-sandwich trays,
stage was also green with white flowers. Fantastic.
I saw many people involved and they were sooooo hard working. Creative, having fun and be good at what they do. I'm so proud to be a part of this.
My writing looks super elegant in those shots! And always nice to see a happy customer. Isn't it one of the main reason why we do calligraphy?
It is my friend's 40th Wedding Anniversary coming up this weekend. I have done once this poem for commission and I really liked the text and thought it suits for this occasion. I decided to do the same text but different format, as a book. I've seen some Joan Pilsbury's lovely books CSC and have been wanting to try make one. There are so many things I'm not sure about once I started, but managed to make a things shaping like a book...
It was only two words they needed but sometimes it gets quite hard to complete. Two words written out for a graphic design studio in London. What I have learned this time to choose right tool and materials. They did not want me to do ‘calligraphy’, they needed ‘hand writing’ = having too much weight contrast in lines makes whole look as too fancy. Twice or third I was told to make whole line thick, so letters looks more natural and also easy to scan and print on the final products. Used Mitchell and Gillot pen nibs first, then brush or reed pens also blunt quills in the end. They were happy, then I am, too!
I was delighted to be a part of this lovely event at Kensington Palace. This is Orangery where you can have a fine afternoon tea normally but on this occasion, it was the gorgeous dinner party room.
We have been working on invitations and envelopes for three weeks for this evening. And to put a finishing touch, wrote place cards at the venue, an hour before the actual event. Nothing better than seeing your writing with such a beautiful table setting!
We have been working on invitations and envelopes for three weeks for this evening. And to put a finishing touch, wrote place cards at the venue, an hour before the actual event. Nothing better than seeing your writing with such a beautiful table setting!
Another happy customer!
This lady's brother got married, and this was the reading at their wedding. My client seems very busy lady and sounded she's got already what she wants in her mind but we emailed each other a little and had a chat on a phone, discussing the layout and overall feeling. I told things based on my experiences and she took them with her own consideration and respects.
I'm not normally good at communications but this time I felt alright. No wonder, she is one of the expert of communication herself!
Story was lovely, too. I enjoyed working this piece and sure they will like it for long time, that would make me super happy.
This lady's brother got married, and this was the reading at their wedding. My client seems very busy lady and sounded she's got already what she wants in her mind but we emailed each other a little and had a chat on a phone, discussing the layout and overall feeling. I told things based on my experiences and she took them with her own consideration and respects.
I'm not normally good at communications but this time I felt alright. No wonder, she is one of the expert of communication herself!
Story was lovely, too. I enjoyed working this piece and sure they will like it for long time, that would make me super happy.
Lindisfarn project
Two calligraphers at Tsukusi design shared the opening page of the book which was for the project celebrating the Lindisfarn Gospel. Author belongs to South London Lettering Association which has their selection of keyword. Some are ‘ring’‘rejoicing’ etc all from Luke. Our chosen keyword was ‘sycamore’. We thought about taking a word of ‘a distant country’ just because we are both from Japan but we didn't go for it in the end because it could be too big theme.
つくしデザインの二人のカリグラファーがリンデスファン・プロジェクトに参加し、本の見開きページを共同で作成しました。筆者が SLLA に所属しており、そこの受け持ちのキーワードの中から「シカモア」を選びました。「遠い国」という言葉もあり、惹かれはしましたが、見開き一ページにするには大きすぎるかもしれないテーマなので、今回はやめました。
We instantly agreed that page layout should be based on Tschichold proportion and also Emi should be doing the designed drawing letters and I do the lettering. Colour theme was easy, too. It took a while to decide which side of the page should have the ‘illustraion’ and ‘text’. We thought normally the book text should start the left hand side. We looked many books and decided in the end we could do either way.
![]() |
this is a book done by W Morris and illustration was on the left hand side of the page. |
ベースになる字は、木なので縦長(単純!)、部分的にもとのゴスペルからアイデアをもいました。トップにクロスバーのついた A や、結ばってる m や w などは資料を参考しました。また恵美はケンブリッジ、私はロンドンで離れてるために、実際に一緒に居て書く、という作業が無理。本番までに、色見本を交換したり、e や c の閉じ具合をお互い調整したりしました。最後は恵美が先に右ページを、受け渡されて私が左を書きました。右の出来がステキだったので、左でスペルミスをしないように緊張しました。結果、ちょっと筆のレタリングの割に、固い感じになってしまったのが心残りです。
Lettering is tall and narrow just because its about a tree, also taken some ideas from the original gospel like A with cross bar on top, middle bits of ‘m’ and ‘w’ are crossing. We are living apart so we could not be and work together. We swapping the colour swabs whenever we met, adjusting the closeness of ‘c’ ‘e’. Emi had a go on the right hand page first. It was brilliant I just didn't want to waste it, have been really careful not to make any mistakes, in fact it was too cautious that it lost a sort of randomness of brush lettering in the end unfortunately.
But we enjoyed working together! How lucky that I've got someone who is excellent letterer and can talk and agree quite many things!
gold cranes
Had an order from Japanese lady who is going to marry English man here to put calligraphy on envelopes of invites, place cards and escort cards.
招待状と封筒は Smython でご注文されたようです。紙が上等で、書いてて楽しい封筒でした。裏の、三角になってるフタの部分に、差し出し人の名前、住所を入れて欲しいと依頼されました。初めてのことで、若干、日本風かな、とも思いましたが、ご招待客は半分日本の方ですし、ご希望通りにしました。納まりも良くて、結果はきれいでした。
Envelopes and invitaions were from smython. As always, gorgeous paper to write on. She asked me to write their names and address on the triangle flip bits as senders identity. I've never done that way but looks beautiful as result.
Place cards and escort cards are from Japan. Escort cards have a couple of gold cranes embossed. Only that feature made cards looks pretty Japanesey.
As the result she loved them all, that made me a very happy calligrapher. I like copperplate writing but I have to study more for capitals,,,
4月27日(土)SSI の Lay Members Day でした。会員が沢山集まる日です。私は2012年の9月に、当会主催の Advanced Training Scheme コースを終えた、卒業発表のような形で、クラスメート他5名と一緒に展示に参加。地味な、白地に黒い(か灰色)字で書いたものが多かった私のスタンドの人気のないことー。しかし、尊敬する先生方何人かに、とても好意的なコメントをいただけて嬉しかったです。先生の先生、私の憧れだった方が、ちゃんと私の顔を見て、私の名前を呼んで、いろいろ考えを述べて下さった上に、ちゃんと字が書けてると言っていただけただけで、ひっくり返りそうでした。あーロンドンに居てがんばってて良かった、という瞬間でした。
SSI's Lay Members Day was on 27th Apr. I was one of the exhibitors as people who finished ATS course on Sep 2012. Me and class mates were 5 of us, and my stand filled with black (or grey) lettering on white/cream papers wasn't that popular at all.
But my idle, the great calligrapher and teacher, saw me, called my name and gave a lots of comments about my works! And she said ‘you can write’. That made my day. :)
SSI's Lay Members Day was on 27th Apr. I was one of the exhibitors as people who finished ATS course on Sep 2012. Me and class mates were 5 of us, and my stand filled with black (or grey) lettering on white/cream papers wasn't that popular at all.
But my idle, the great calligrapher and teacher, saw me, called my name and gave a lots of comments about my works! And she said ‘you can write’. That made my day. :)
The International Research Centre for Calligraphy at the University of Sunderland is making a one-off book which will collect original work by contemporary calligraphers. The work will be displayed in Durham while the Lindisfarne Gospels are being exhibited there, and the bound volumes will then be housed in Durham Cathedral Library.
We, too decided to take part in this project. We are all given the two spread pages to fill, so we decided to share this two pages.
It is not aiming to make a copy of Lindisfarne manuscript but we can take ideas to make this book new and different. All regional calligraphy society was invited to take part in, and they were given the key words which have been taken from the bible to work on. I belong to South London group, and our share was words from Luke. We go for the word ‘sycamore’. Still in the process of making sketches, but looking forward to seeing the outcome soon.
Quintessentially British brand Mulberry's Autumn & Winter 2013 show is coming! And we are having fun in their office helping them sending their invitations out to their most important guests... This time, blue butterflies are flying all over London.
とってもイギリスらしいブランド、マルベリーの2013年 秋冬コレクションの発表がもうすぐです。私たちもケンジントンの彼らのオフィスで、招待状書きに張り切っております。今回は、きれいなブルーのちょうちょうがロンドン中を飛び回る予定!
Last year, they had massive gorgeous golden keys with beautiful black ribbons. I absolutely admire their ideas every time. Don't tell me you are not too excited when receiving such a amazing key...
See their blog at
ユアン・クレイトン氏の教える David Jones のレタリングにトライしてみる週末ワークショップに参加してきました。一見、雑に見える下手うまな彼のレタリングが、どうしてカリグラファーたちに人気があるのか。実は、彼のレタリングの作品は、緻密な調整によって成り立っていました。
教室では、彼の字をなぞってから、自分でまず単語を、それから2、3行の言葉を組み立ててみます。単語の時点では、それぞれの字に集中して、例えば R の丸みがこうだから、Dもこうね、という感じですが、2、3行になった途端に!行間のスペース。1行目の最後は? 上のR のしっぽがここまで来てたら、下のTはどう入る?
ここでこの D にしたんだったら、この B にして、そしたら、こっちの E を 丸い e にして、、、
「最初からデザイン、プランを持たない。大体から初めて、組み立てて行くうちに、そこここで生まれる問題にその都度対処し、全体の達成感を大事にする」という彼の姿勢でした。まさに!やってみて実感。一見ヘタウマな彼の作品にも、繊細な微調整がたくさん、という例を皆でみてみたり、大変実りの多い WS でした。
ユアンの育った Ditchling の、昔の工芸家たちの集まっていた村落のお話も少し伺えて、とても興味深い週末でした。
I joined weekend workshop by Ewan Clayton to study the letterings of David Jones. His lettering art works fascinates many calligraphers ... but why? They are not good lettering nor calligraphy.
I have been studying drawing letters and done some sketches from V&A etc. At WS, we start with tracing his lettering, and draw a word. And then a sentence or two / three words together. You look at each letters, details like the shapes of top of R and D and so on.
But as soon as you start to draw a few words, problems! Line spacing? Word spacing? This triangle A suits to roundy E there? ... at the end of second day, my lettering started to settle a bit. You can spend ages fiddle things around.
Ewan also told us his story how he works from his book. I felt so interesting that he said ‘it wouldn't work if I did ‘design’...’ and ‘tactics are best left to the developing local problems as they arise.’ ‘I accommodate the forms of the letters as I priceed until a kind of wholeness is achieved...’ You really feel so when you try! After that we can all see his many adjustments in his ‘funny’ lettering works.
Very interesting, useful workshop that was.
先日のWSの会場であった Mota Italic さんのブログで、その様子を載せていただきました。皆真剣に楽しんでいる!
Mota Italic, Berlin has updated their blog about the workshop we did. Looking fun :) Thank you so much for Mota Italic!!!

Workshops @ Weimar and Berlin, Germany
Shoko Mugikura and I had joint workshops. First one was at Bauhaus University in Weimar to 16-17 students. Second one was at Mota Italic, Berlin to 6-7 people. I had great time and sounds like everyone enjoyed them! That's the main thing :)
At Weimar, we set their final aim to create a Sake wine label using Kan-ji character which they have to produce. That was Shoko's idea and worked really well, because you cannot really say that good writing of Kan-ji makes good design. People who did so-so writing of Kan-ji but prosecuted them really well made very interesting stuff. I learnt a lots of things and hope they did, too.
At, Mota Italic, Belin, we spent much more time for actual writing. We tried Kan- ji and Japanese Kana, too and attendants chose which they want to try more after basic practice. Some people found themselves are good at making straight lines and the others are not. Lots of them tried to write their own names (or his son's name) and we had fun!
Shoko Mugikura from Just Another Foundry organising a workshop at Mota Italic in Berlin and I will do some brush writing there. Very excited indeed!
Just Another Foundry の麥倉聖子さんが、ベルリンの Mota Italic と共に、日本の書法を用いたカリグラフィーのワークショップをオーガナイズしています。そこで私も書くことをご披露することになりました。新しい体験で、わくわくしています!
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