Had an order from Japanese lady who is going to marry English man here to put calligraphy on envelopes of invites, place cards and escort cards.
招待状と封筒は Smython でご注文されたようです。紙が上等で、書いてて楽しい封筒でした。裏の、三角になってるフタの部分に、差し出し人の名前、住所を入れて欲しいと依頼されました。初めてのことで、若干、日本風かな、とも思いましたが、ご招待客は半分日本の方ですし、ご希望通りにしました。納まりも良くて、結果はきれいでした。
Envelopes and invitaions were from smython. As always, gorgeous paper to write on. She asked me to write their names and address on the triangle flip bits as senders identity. I've never done that way but looks beautiful as result.
Place cards and escort cards are from Japan. Escort cards have a couple of gold cranes embossed. Only that feature made cards looks pretty Japanesey.
As the result she loved them all, that made me a very happy calligrapher. I like copperplate writing but I have to study more for capitals,,,
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