It is not how fluently use your brushes. In the end, the letter shape matters most. Sue Hofton gave us a talk about three points she is caring when she uses her brushes.
Consideration, control and confidence.
I think you only can get control and confidence after long time practice and trials with all sorts of brushes, materials.
Consideration is always the most important and difficult in my opinion.
Are letter shapes, background, materials, layout and so on suitable to what the text means / how I want to express / purpose for the piece?
Those would make huge differences.
Ann Hechle afterwards threw an interesting questions to us about intention OF the work and FOR the work. How much you stick to your initial intention during the process of making the piece. She didn't say what is right or wrong. Everyone has different attitudes. But I think I know what I would like to pursuit.
SSI の今期のリサーチと技術の日は、筆で字を書くことについてでした。3人のスピーカーの話とデモを見て、改めて感じたのは、結局大事なのは、どのくらい達者に筆が動かせるか、よりも字の形であるということ。でないときれいに見えません。
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