Calligraphy service in London and stone cutting in Cambridge. Creative and beautiful calligraphy and Japanese calligraphy and stone cutting.


St John's Bible の話を、Donald Jackson が Letter Exchange で話したのを聞いてきました。普段なかなかいっぱいにならない聴講席が補助椅子も出ても座りきれないほど大盛況で、私は階段の上でした。

全体として何度も言っていたのが、context という単語。文脈、という風にも取れますが、おそらく文章との関わり方、という意味で言ってた気がします。あなたも、私も、この世界全体が何らかの形での関わり方である。自分の「肌の下」に入ってくるくらい、感じること。


それを聞いて思い出したのは、先日読んだ、石彫りの Tom Perkins が、Jack Trowbridge にインタビューしていた記事にも似たような言葉がありました。石に彫る前に下書きをするのを、正確すぎない方が良い、ということを師の David Kindersley と、John Skelton が異口同音で似た意味の事を言ってたらしいです。


I was at Queen's Square to hear Donald Jackson talked about St John's Bible project. It was packed with calligraphers all over UK.
Main point was how he connected to this project. Often he used the word ‘context’ which I think he meant how he (we) connected to the subjects. You're a part of it, they are also a part of it, he said. Feel it under your skin.

Another thing he said was it doesn't need to be perfect or precise. Sometimes you can see or feel the scribe's tension, his playfulness, and that's fine. Isn't that the whole point of making something by hands?

That reminds me that I read the interview article between Tom Perkins and Jack Trowbridge (in Forum 24) and they said their masters David Kindersley or John Skelton said the similar thing - they wouldn't want to have it too precise.

I wish I could have enough time to subject sinking into under my skin, wish to take such kind of commissions, and also, I have to be confident enough to let myself go. Maybe I'll have another thoughts later, but tonight.

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